Showcase your Program

Checklist to Promote your Program powered by Univation
When your program is completed, it's time to showcase it!
In this way, the program will be featured across Univation's channels and other Program Managers will also get inspired to organise theirs.

▢ Create a Short Video to promote the program

Showcase your program in a short video that will get featured across Univation, at:

  • Innovation Day Events - as a part of Training Sessions for other Universities
  • Univation's & University's social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter)
  • Univation's Website, plus boosted by Google Ads
To create the video, click the button "create" and submit a form with program details. We'll create the slides for you and will message you back on how the video will be shot.

Create your Program's presentation video

Submitted the form already?

Read Instructions

▢ Write a Post Blog about the Program

Once the program finishes, create a blog post to get featured on our channels. It will also be boosted by Google Ads.

  1. Short Description of the program (category, duration, goals and other organizing info) and the University
  2. Participation and Metrics - Number of Members, Mentors, Teams etc.
  3. Pains you had running the Program and How the Univation Platform solved them
  4. Conclusion - Advice to other Program Managers
  5. Short Bio of you or/and the Program Manager's

Send the Blog post to

▢ Write a Post Blog University's other Entrepreneurship & Innovation Programs

Create a blog post about all the other Entrepreneurship & Innovation Programs of your University or Community. This will also guide your Program's Teams on what programs can apply to or join next and for future opportunities. Will be boosted by Google Ads.

Thus, this blog post should contain a list of:

  • Programs Names
  • Programs Info
  • Applications Deadlines
  • Applications Links

To create the video, click the button "create" and submit a form with program details. We'll create the slides for you and will message you back on how the video will be shot.

Send the Blog post to

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May 7, 2022